Monday, January 24, 2011


Thanks to a lingering cough, I got to skive off work early tonight. I raced home with milk, a culled grapefruit and satsuma, some expired yogurt. (To the grocery store workers go the spoils.) I pulled into the carport, so excited to see my little one before bedtime. We are short on dinners together, since I work late three or four nights a week. It was dark in the house. No little one. No husband. They were gone. Then I remembered: Monday. Dinner at Cassie's. I imagined them laughing, eating cornbread in that toasty living room, Cassie's daughter Leila with her sparkling giggle and toys everywhere... I let myself in the cold house. A cat was waiting to be fed. A beer was waiting to be finished, in a refrigerator full of good intentions. I have these moments now, alone. Isn't that what I always need? xox


  1. Yes, sometimes that time alone we so desperately need is a bit unsettling when it arrives.

  2. This is so bittersweet. (And I also just love "To the grocery store workers go the spoils." That's hilarious. And true, of course.)
