Friday, August 3, 2012

Drive-By Post

Sometimes, I read the Totblog over there to the right, and I laugh out loud, and I have this moment of a sort of automatic comment reflex, when I just want to say something about how awesome and hilarious and sweet and charming Penn is. And then I remember that you can't comment on Totblog, and I get a tiny bit bummed out. And then tonight it occurred to me that *it's my blog too* and I can *post* a little something about how awesome and hilarious and sweet and charming Penn is. And about how Totblog gets funnier by the day. (In Norwegian, laughing is explaining.)


  1. Oh man, yes. I think I should maybe sign up for a Norwegian language course.

    1. Once, long ago when I was still working in theater the first time around, I spent a summer working on a production of Ibsen's _Wild Duck_. My housemate (who was also involved in the production) and I decided to teach ourselves Norwegian--it has a surprisingly simple grammatical structure--so we labeled everything in the house in Norwegian all summer long. It was awesome, but I've forgotten it all. The housemate is now living in the Netherlands and has become fluent in Dutch. I wonder if she's kept up her Norwegian? In any case, I did not know that bit about laughing and explaining until I learned it from Penn. ;-)
