Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bird of Prey

There's something about looking through a camera lens that's like meditation: The pinpoint focus on one being, one object, one element. Here. Now.


  1. This is beautiful. That you looked up and noticed that guy from *your* own perch on your comfortitious couch is... nothing short of amazing. Perhaps this is him, when he was small? A falcon.

  2. Yeah! Juvenile red-tailed hawks are gorgeous and funny. They still don't quite know which perches will hold them and which fold over.

  3. Jason, welcome! And thanks for the positive ID on our birdie friend there--we weren't sure what he was. We have crows that come and perch on that cypress all the time, and it bends, but it actually holds everyone (even the hawk) remarkably well. Those trees are amazing for their enormousness and flexibility.

  4. Very true! Beautiful words, beautiful photos, beautiful post.

  5. Amy! You see, I found this yesterday because Lis posted it to FB. ;)
