Saturday, February 11, 2012

What Friday Looked Like

Yesterday, the light and the cloud cover were all over the place, even during the 15 or 20 minutes over which I took these photos. But it's amazing what can happen when you adjust your shutter speed more or less correctly, eh?

(This in no way means I knew what I was doing--it only means I'm finally brave enough to adjust the dial and see what happens. Which is no small thing, really, I suppose.)

Crow (sort of the unofficial bird of Davis, CA)

Walnut trees and sky

UC Davis research fields

UC Davis research fields

Flowering quince

The town logo


  1. Beautiful photos, Amy! I love the walnut trees and sky AND flowering quince especially. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! Those are the two I like best as well. ;-)

  2. What beautiful blue skies and flowering trees. Keep on rocking that manual mode!

    1. Thanks, Sigrid! The first time I ever tried to do anything in manual, I was pretty much like, "Well, would you look at that! It's almost as if they *meant* for you to take pictures with something other than manual mode! Someone should tell people about this!" Heh.

  3. "The town logo." Is killing me! Oh, the Stars-Hollowy-ness of it all. :) These pictures are beautiful. The flowering quince is by far the loudest of the blooms, but not the only... we have pink in front of our house, and apple/cherry/almonds blossoming everywhere. xox

    1. Ah, yes, but the flowering quince is my particular favorite. Though I do also love a nice orchard of almond blossoms. (Really? Are they flowering already? Wow--I'll need to take a little drive to go see them.)

      Also, yes, Stars Hollowyness, indeed. Up to and including the fact that we have one or two folks who actually *ride around* on unicycles around here. And of course, the town troubadour.
